Java Design Patterns and Architecture
Discover how to use design patterns to structure and simplify your Java program on this FREE Java Tutorial for Beginners
Discover some of the most useful, important and common design patterns in Java; reusable code patterns that you can use to structure your program and perform common tasks. Includes lots of examples with full source code. "Design Patterns" has been the big buzz phrase in the Java community for some time now, and if you want to be able to write effective Java programs, work as a Java developer or pass exams in Java, you can't afford to miss out. Fortunately, this course is entirely free :)
Take this FREE Java Design Patterns and Java Architecture course right now and learn everything about java design patterns and java architecture.
</p>Your Instructor
I worked as a professional developer for 14 years for several different companies including Proquest, CSC and AT&T before going full-time as a course creator. I currently live in Italy, although as a native Brit you get to enjoy (or put up with!) my British English accent while following your chosen courses.
In my spare time I like to write science fiction, often in cafes, and I'm a fan of old books.
Course Curriculum
StartModel-View-Controller: The Theory (9:25)
StartModel-View-Controller: In Practice (18:36)
StartObserver Pattern: The Theory (14:04)
StartObserver Pattern: An Example Involving Buttons (19:22)
StartObserver Pattern: Implementing From Scratch (with MVC) (25:41)
StartAn MVC Controversy (5:30)
StartThe Singleton Pattern (14:04)
StartBeans (4:28)
StartDAO (14:58)
StartDAO Factories (6:34)
StartJUnit Basics: Testing the DAO (23:18)
StartExtending DAO for Multiple Databases (23:37)
StartSaving to Memory (15:20)
StartFactory Pattern (18:30)
StartFacades (6:50)
StartAdapter Pattern (18:13)